Saturday, February 23, 2013

CNY gathering

Think I drank too much champagne last night and was so tired that I only woke up at about 11 am. Even then, I still felt a bit groggy and lethargic and spent a long time in the shower to wake myself up.

In the evening, I went to my 8th Uncle's house with my family for a CNY gathering. He had arranged for a caterer to set up a few stalls at his house and we could just order what we want to eat from the stalls. However, I think the staff was very inexperienced and one of them manning the Popiah stall did not really know how to wrap a Popiah. He either put too much sweet sauce or too much chilli and in the end, my uncle had to teach him instead. Overall, the food was just passable. We chatted with our relatives while eating and only left at almost 11pm.

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