Thursday, August 27, 2009

On leave

Today I took a day off to accompany my 大妹 as she had an appointment for a Lasik surgery. Had only planned to take half-day leave in the afternoon, but yesterday her appointment was changed to the morning as the doctor has an emergency surgery in the afternoon. Didn't feel like taking a half-day morning leave and going back to work after that, so ended up taking one day instead.

This morning I woke up even earlier than usual as the surgery was at 9am. I played my DS while waiting for my 大妹 and I almost fell asleep :P She came out at around 10am with 2 protective lenses for her eyes taped to her face. She said she looked like a housefly haha.

After going home, we had an early lunch at around 11.30am as my 大妹 said she was supposed to rest her eyes as much as possible. The doctor even gave her sleeping pills in case she couldn't sleep. I cleared some email and then decided to take a nap at around 2pm, since it was raining very heavily then and so was a nice weather for sleeping :) Had set the alarm clock for 4pm but in the end only woke up at almost 6pm :P Think I really needed this "nap" as I felt much more refreshed when I woke up.

After dinner I spent almost 3 hours re-writing my appraisal form. Had to add more stuff as my boss felt that too little was written. As usual, I can't really think of much stuff to update so wasted lots of time just thinking and thinking.

All in all, didn't accomplish much today but managed to get a good rest. It's on days like this when I wish that we can just work from home. It's such a good feeling to be able to multitask like watching TV programs or playing games while working. And if you feel tired, you can just take a nap ;) If only my wish will come true... hehe...

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